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Independent Living is a Philosophy and a Movement

About The Independent Living Center

Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect.

5 Core Services of ILC

Individual and Systems Advocacy

Be empowered to resolve conflicts and find solutions with guidance and assistance from ILC. Through individual and systems advocacy, ensure that you, as a person living with a disability, receive equal access and opportunities.

Peer Support

Enjoy the exchange of knowledge and useful information and allow others the benefit of your experience by participating in ILC facilitated activities and discussions.

Daily Living Skills

Receive support in training to learn new techniques and skills that can improve the quality of your everyday life.

Information and Referral

ILC provides information on disability related issues and referral to other agencies, businesses and organizations appropriate to meeting individual needs and requests.

Nursing Home and Assisted Living Home Transition

Assistance and support are offered to individuals transitioning from institutional care into a more independent living situation of their choice.

Large group of people under a colorful banner that reads 'Disability Pride'. Large group of people gathered outdoors, enjoying a barbecue with food on tables and a grill in the foreground.
Two people outdoors, passing each other on a dirt road. One of them is holding a white cane, and the other is wearing a sweatshirt that reads 'TRAILS' on the back.

"I was treated very respectfully and was never made to feel uncomfortable in any way. I do not have the words to tell you what a positive difference this organization made in my life."

"With the wheelchair ramp I will be able to get out of my house more frequently. I have not been able to see my family because I have been stuck in my house."

"I am very excited to have the opportunity to get out of my house and not feel trapped anymore."

"Thanks to ILC for helping me get the services I needed and I was able to stay home and out of the hospital."

A man in a wheelchair rolling down an overgrown grassy path overlooking the ocean.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Staff provides guidance and technical assistance regarding disability rights and accessibility issues under the ADA, a law enacted to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, state and local government facility and program access, public accommodations and telecommunications. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!